Training Topics for 2024/2025

I offer a variety of training classes in the following areas:

Developmentally Based Training  -  Training for Self-Injury & Secondary Trauma - Training in Diagnostic Categories -  Self-Care Training for Professionals - Training in Treatment Techniques

  • How Trauma Affects Child Development

  • How Trauma Affects Separation and Attachment Milestones

  • How External Stressors for Families of Origin Leads to Trauma

  • Pre-teen Development

  • Teen Culture

  • Drama vs Trauma*

  • Understanding Chronic Depression in Youth

  • Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (Not CSEC)

  • How Abandonment Affects Children, Adolescents and Adults

  • Understanding How Parental Addiction Affects System-involved Youth

  • Helping Helpers Deal With Secondary Trauma: Parts 1 & 2

  • Non-suicidal Self-Injury: Parts 1 & 2

  • How Trauma Affects Grief and Loss

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)*

  • Suicide: Who, When, Why and How to Help

  • Working with Bipolar Disorder in System-involved Youth and Families

  • Schizophrenia*

  • The Abuse Spectrum

  • Helping to Heal Childhood Wounds

  • Cultural Identity: Creating A Safe Environment

  • How My Buttons Get Pushed When Working With Trauma

  • Anger Management for Mental Health Professionals

  • Preventing Burnout

  • The Wounded Healer*

  • Clinical Supervision* (6 and 15 hour versions)

  • How Trauma Affects Holiday Stress*

  • Challenging Behavior Management*

  • Discipline and Structure*

  • Praise and Encouragement*

  • Professional Boundaries*

  • It’s O.K. to Make Mistakes*

  • Understanding Affects of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) on System-involved Youth

* These classes are not GHA or STRTP CEU approved