Summer is here; why do I feel so bad?

Children often can't wait until school ends and summer begins.  Running and jumping freely, summer camp, hanging out with friends, swimming, boating, vacations, sleeping in and staying up late; for days and days.  What could be better?  

Do you have fond memories of summer time?  Do you wish your life was free and easy? Do you long for the joyful abandon of what has been lost?  

Often as we age, realizing that youth may be wasted on the young is strong medicine.  Often we imagine that sadness or even depression will only hit when the sky is dark or the weather is dreary.  But imagine, when the sun is bright and beckoning, that you haven't lived your dreams.  Imagine that you believe the best days are behind you.  In that case, sunshine and warmth might be taunting you with memories of younger, more agile, happy days.

Here are a few tips for bolstering your mood in the good old summer time:

1.  Wake up each morning and find things and/or people for which/whom you are grateful.

2.  Make sure to get as much sunshine as you can.  Research has shown that the vitamin D is a mood booster.  (Make sure to wear that sunscreen!)

3.  Get exercise outdoors.  Find beautiful places to walk, bike, run, swim, hike, row.

4. Find a friend with whom to share exercise and sun.

5. Participate in a particular summer event like a county fair, camping, boating, swimming, beach enjoyment, etc.

6. Read a particularly juicy novel.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!